

I earned Ph.D. in physics education and have been working many years in the field as an Associate Professor at Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics. I am interested in school evaluation as well. For me, education is above all about meeting peopole and sharing a culture. Engagement is the key word here.


Since my childhood I have been interested in photography and fashion. In both field I like to be busy with proportions and colors, which make much of the final result. Sometimes I like showing any story, any emotions and present just an abstract picture.

drapping, patterns Marie Javorska, Brno

Karl Lagerfeld: Modemethode, Bundeskunsthalle Bonn, 2015

Charles James, MET New York, 2014

Jean Paul Gaultier, Kunsthal Rotterdam, 2012


... website

idea of time scale shows life as a journey

webdesign&logo by Marie Smolej

cover photo by Antonín Herálecký

created by Tomáš Biheler